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Showing posts from 2013

How did I enable debugging of PHP for PHPStorm?

There is a "debug" button next to "run" button in PHPStorm. What for? (c: From PHPStorm web help I read that xdebug is supported. There was a nice wizard that helped me through the installation process. I got stuck by the 5th and 6th point - "./configure" and "make". Found a solution here . Also it was necessary to update my XCode to enable command line tools like "make" for OS X. In the wizard, there is a following step "cp modules/ /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525". Be aware that "no-debug-non-zts-20100525" should be a folder. And "" should be copied inside this folder. Had some issues where "" were copied as file named "no-debug-non-zts-20100525" into "extensions" folder. And it works now..

Problem with HP Performance Center

I had a problem with named product / software. It's a testing tool for performance testing. If you ever used it, you know that the virtual users amount in scenario is configurable. My problem was that with what ever amount of users I started the scenario, only one virtual user started. All others stopped with following exception.. com.dcx.iap.clientcontainer.ClientContainerException[JCC0015X]: Error while populating the Client Container JNDI namespace at dcx.appclient.container.startup.APPClientContainerStartup.loadJavaConfiguration( at dcx.appclient.container.startup.APPClientContainerStartup.doStartAndLogin( at dcx.appclient.container.startup.APPClientContainerStartup.start( at com.dcx.iap.clientcontainer.ClientContainer.startup( at com.daimler.acm.common.connectivity.RemoteTestingClientCommunicationHelper.createClientConnection(RemoteTest...